Areas of Expertise
Discover how the SAS methodology can help with many different conditions.
SAS courses are designed to strengthen fundamental neuro-sensory functions in the brain, making them ideal to improve a wide range of conditions. The exclusive SAS technology allows us to prepare highly personalised courses that take the client's abilities, needs and wishes into account, leading to better outcomes in a short space of time.

SAS-Smart | Learn better and achieve more.
Courses for school children and for students and adults who wish to enhance their study results. SAS-Smart courses include orchestral and piano music plus speech tracks in a structured sequence to achieve the desired outcomes. The duration of an initial course depends on the individual's needs, but often can be completed within one month.
- Attention & Hyperactivity | ADHD: Improves focus and attention span, reduces impulsive behaviour and hyperactivity.
- Reading & Writing | Dyslexia: Strengthens interhemispheric communication and promotes more accurate, synchronised and rapid functioning of the temporal sound processing functions in the brain, which form the basis for the integration of language and reading networks.
- Comprehension & Memory: Reinforces phonological memory maps through sound-meaning matching and facilitates auditory-visual synchronisation and access to vocabulary in the reading comprehension process.
- Behaviour & Motivation: Reduces stress and anxiety and improves time management, planning and decision-making skills. Builds a sense of responsibility and strengthens appropriate interpersonal communication.

SAS-Boost | Boost development and ability.
The fully personalised SAS-Boost courses help children with neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including Asperger's Syndrome, cerebral palsy and Down's Syndrome.
Initial courses normally last for 24 to 28 days and often are followed-up with additional interventions tailored to the needs of the child. In addition to music and speech the listening sessions may also include frequency, word and time training elements.
- Sensory Processing: Improves sensory filtering, reduces sensory overload and enhances integration between the various sensory networks.
- Attention & Presence: Promotes awareness of others and the environment, strengthens attention, focus and concentration.
- Speech & Language: Stimulates and develops connection paths and processing centres in the brain responsible for speech, language and communication.
- Behaviour & Social Skills: Reduces stress, anxiety and repetitive behaviours, and increases social communication by strengthening social-emotional perception and expression skills.

SAS-Balance | Start to enjoy life again.
Tailored courses for adults to minimise stress, anxiety, fear or anger, reduce obsessive, compulsive or dependent behaviours, and improve focus, clarity and decision making.
A SAS-Balance course will help people cope with the challenges of work and private life, with daily listening sessions of 30 to 60 minutes, often for just 24 days.
- Anxiety & Fear: Diverts negative repetitive thoughts and relaxes the body and mind,
- Depression: Increases self-confidence, transforming pessimistic emotions into positive energy.
- Anger Management: Reduces impulsive reactions and strengthens cognitive balanced responses.
- Control: Minimises the need to control situations by boosting innate solution-based creativity.

SAS-Life | Grow older with clarity of mind.
Specific courses for the elderly to improve daily functioning, communication ability and overall quality of life. SAS-Life courses can be used as a preventative application to maintain attention, memory, cognitive or speech skills, or as part of an established rehabilitation process, such as for stroke recovery.
Each SAS-Life course is designed to attain specific, achievable outcomes and the course duration will therefore vary for each client. Programmes can be designed for use whilst awake, or during sleep or even when in coma.
- Cognitive Abilities: Sharpens attention, alertness, understanding, memory and verbal response abilities.
- Speech & Language: Strengthens auditory processing, improving language comprehension and word-finding abilities.
- Emotional Balance: Builds up emotional well-being, regulates behaviour and improves social interactions.
- Brain Injury: Supports established rehabilitation practices and enhances physical and linguistic recovery.